It's not quite a quiver full, but it's a start!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Passion for Mommy Teachers

We have been exploring passion and just how wide of a range there is in what we can be passionate about. I absolutely love that about passion. We each have our own calling, our own "specialty", and all of it knits together perfectly for the good of society as a whole. As always, I love guest posting on my friend Jessica's blog. Jessica has a great mommy passion: teaching! She is passionate about teaching children, and recently discovered that she is mostly passionate about teaching other mommies how to teach their children. Her mission is making sure every parent is their child's favorite teacher, and she would love to see every mommy instilling in her children the life-long gift of learning. Whether your child is in a clasroom setting or you school at home, our job as teachers never takes a backseat.

Life is all about learning. It is a never ending journey, a journey that has no limits to how far we can go. We are the ones who make the boundaries of learning, and we can make them as narrow or as wide as we would like them to be. I choose to make my boundaries wide, and I hope I can teach my children to do the same. Today, I am sharing on her site how to take an ordinary, every day moment and turn it into a great opportunity. After all, I'm trying to turn this ordinary responsibility into an extraordinary opportunity!

Join me for my "Real Life Lesson" at The Mommy Teacher!


  1. Heading over to check out your post :)

    1. Thanks Kara! Hope you enjoyed it! It was actually the easiest "post" I've ever done since all she did was take a conversation and turn it into a post haha. I hope you took a peek around her site! It's great stuff!


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