It's not quite a quiver full, but it's a start!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 1: Prayers for Heart Change

"What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also." I Corinthians 14:15

Moms, as we join in prayer for our sons I want to open up with a prayer for us as well...Father God, as we begin this journey of praying over our sons help us to remember to do so thoughtfully, specifically, and diligently. Let us not get discouraged by our lack of understanding of how prayer works or why it is important, but let us focus instead on the simple command to just pray. Lord, let us understand that it is not about the words we say, but about the Holy Spirit's leading in us drawing us closer to you. God grant in us the same things we are to pray over our children. Let us be the example set before them in how to live righteously before you. Lord, we ask that even when the answer to our prayers is "no", even when the answer seems to be far from grasp, we ask that we will not be discouraged and that we will continue to seek you in all things. Continue to remind us of your presence, of your purpose, and of your perfect will. Let us make our lives of prayer all about your desires, and never about ours. Amen.

Day 1: Prayers for a Heart Change

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9

This is the perfect beginning. There is nothing we can do to change our sons' hearts, God is the only one who can deal with their innermost beings. Without this heart change everything else would be in vain. Let us pray that their hearts will be softened, that walls will be torn down and unable to be built up, that the truth will permeate every fiber of this desperately wicked vessel. May our sons' hearts continually seek after the heart of the Father. May they be transformed by Him, conformed to Him, and may their desires become His desires.

The best way for me to get into the spirit of prayer is through song. Take the time to worship the Lord through song, invite Him into your schedule, and enter into His presence. Carry this heart of worship into your moments of prayer with the Lord.

Lord, we pray now for the hearts of our sons. We pray life into these hearts of stone and strength into these hearts of flesh. We pray a softening upon them, a tearing down of walls, so that their hearts will be prepared for the coming of your word into their lives. Only you, Lord, know our innermost parts, only you can bring life where there is none, only you can bring change. Bring it, God, bring it to our sons. Bring it to their spirits. Bring it to their minds. Bring it to their lives...


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