It's not quite a quiver full, but it's a start!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

When You Wish Upon A Star...

...makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. I can't help but sing this song when I think of my journey. I can't help but think of all those times I was, in effect, wishing on a star to try to get my wish granted. I was wishing on a star, rather than praying to God to guide me where He wanted me to go. I tried for so long to find my niche, to fulfill my calling. It has taken many failures, many successes, many, many bumps in the road for me to realize that there is no such thing as a "niche" when it comes to ministry. I guess I should have figured it out logically a long time ago. If God doesn't fit into a box, how could I expect my life to? If God works in ways beyond our comprehension, why would I believe that the path would be perfectly laid out and clear for me to see? Every one's calling is different, because every person is different. The comparison between one ministry, one calling, and another is completely invalid. God is God no matter what I am doing for Him, and every single thing I do, whether success or failure, is all done through His plan and His purpose and not of my own.

God calls me to do whatever I can for Him, wherever I am, whenever it is required. A missionary serving a lost people group, a teacher working with at-risk children, a youth minister, a mother. Large groups, small groups, no groups at all. There is a calling in each thing we do. Jesus didn't live his life confined by the box of ministry. In fact, I would argue that He didn't really have a "ministry" at all. He just had a life. He did what He was called to do wherever He went no matter what others thought about it. He lived His life regardless of the numbers of His followers, the reactions of others, or expectations of the church at that time. He lived the way He lived not because of anyone else, and because of it others were changed. Isn't that the ultimate call on our life, to just live? To live with such passion, such purpose, such perspective that others cannot help but notice? So, here I am. I am continuing on this journey to unknown places. Just within a span of three months I have learned this journey is not going to go where I expected it. I'm certainly not naive enough to believe it will change course and begin heading in that direction anytime soon. So I will continue to move where I am led, although this time I will follow the Son rather than chasing after the stars.

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