It's not quite a quiver full, but it's a start!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Slow. Children At Play.

There is no greater joy in my life than watching my children from afar.

Their precious giggles...
the love God has knit into their hearts toward each other,
the pure joy that shines from them.

Every moment is special...
no time is wasted,
they live their lives with purpose.

As I watch them the years float away, the burdens are lifted, the love fills my heart.

They ask me to watch them...
my smile the only requirement for participation,
my presence the only expectation.

They grow before my eyes...
I can see it because time slows and quickens all at the same time,
the past and present mingling in one precious moment.

My life has passed me by quickly enough, regrets too many to count, missed opportunities never to recover.

I looked forward to this chapter for too long...
but my book is filling too quickly,
my time slipping away.

I've done too much for far too long...
I've accomplished far too little,
I've wasted far too often.

Today I will be still and cherish the moments as seconds mingle with the hours.

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